
Showing posts with the label Politics

A Problem And A Solution Come In A Pack

The solution to a problem is usually within the problem itself. In other words, a problem and a solution come in a pack. They are always identical, but a patient mind would differentiate an answer from a problem.

Why Covid-19 May Not Be Killing As Many Africans As Expected

In 2020 when coronavirus started killing people in Europe, America, and the rest of the world, Western Scientists feared the worst for Africa. They all believed, especially Bill & Melinda Gates, that Africa would be littered with dead bodies because of our lack of a proper healthcare system. Fortunately, that hasn’t been the case. Why is Africa spared from the ravaging coronavirus? Bill Gates doesn’t know. Nonetheless, some Pastors in Nigeria believe that it is the work of God. That is, God loves Africans more than other continents. OK, we thank God for that.  Nevertheless, not all Africans are spared from covid-19, Africans in the diaspora die readily from the virus.

US Presidential Election: Freemason, Illuminati, Deep State Or The China Virus?

In the past, the conspiracy theory has been that Western world leaders are members of the Freemasons and the Illuminati.  These ‘secret societies’ control Western governments, and indirectly control the world. Thus, without being a member of these ‘secret societies’, you will not be elected.

#EndSARS Killings: The Unknown Soldier, And The Known Civilian In Oyigbo

An Unknown Soldier Is Nothing But A Terrorist Fela Kuti’s Kalakuta republic was burnt by Nigerian Soldiers in 1977. A lot of people died in that incident which eventually led to the death of Fela’s mother. A Judicial investigation returned that Fela’s house was burnt by the Unknown Soldier. Fela recorded a song in which he stated that if the unknown Soldier burnt his house, there were also the unknown Police, the unknown civilian, and the unknown government.

Donald Trump’s Re-election Bid And His Ill-informed Supporters In Nigeria

Americans will go to the polls to choose a new president on 03/Nov/2020. The contest is between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Mr. Trump is seeking a 2nd term in office. Politics is all about interest. The US is the leader of the free world, therefore the outcome of the presidential election will have an impact on our lives. So, everybody and every country must lean towards the candidate that would protect their interests.

#EndSARS Protests: The Cause And Effect

The Statute Of Liberty Of #EndSARS Protest I used to own two ferocious dogs, a Doberman Pinscher, and a Rottweiler. These dogs were so brutal and confident that they could take on a Tiger. My dogs shared a name - BEAST, and they were trained to play out the meaning of their name. As such, I had 2 vicious dogs beckoning each time I mentioned – BEAST. The dogs were Fed once a day as part of their training. They were locked up all day and only released in the evening. If they had privileges, they were practically taken away from them. That type of training made them regularly angry. I didn’t even have absolute control over them except when I was feeding them.  You might have come to my house in peace, but you weren’t guaranteed to leave in pieces. Now, sometime in 2006, a Mobile Policeman (MoPol) stopped my vehicle at a police checkpoint and wanted to know where I was going. I told him that I was going to my village. I told him the name. Where is that, he asked? Then I asked him if I coul

Mali – Whether Civilian Or Military, A Coup Is A Coup

“Those who make peaceful [change] impossible will make violent [change] inevitable”, according to John F Kennedy. This is the current situation in Mali.  The country’s military has decided to change the government in Mali since the politicians refused to respect the change of government that Malians voted for. The whole world has condemned the military coup in Mali. From ECOWAS to the African Union, from the European Union to the American Union (US), and from every other union in the world to the United Nations.

The Return Of The Author Of “The Satanic Verses” Of Abia State

In 1988, Mr. Salman Rushdie published a novel he called “The Satanic Verses”. The book was partly based on the life of Prophet Mohammad. Mr Rushdie highlighted some verses of the Quran and information from other sources, which questioned what the prophet Muhammad claimed to be.

Dictators Are The Last To See A Looming Revolution

In 1989, while lounging on the sofa in my one-bedroom flat in London, I watched on live television the unfolding revolution in Romania. It started in the city of Timisoara when the government used the secret police (Securitate) of Nicolae Ceausescu, the Romanian dictator, to crush the protest against the eviction of the Pastor of the Hungarian Reformed Church. However, on 21/December/1989, the communist party assembled some workers to grace Ceausescu’s speech on the happenings in Timisoara. There were over 100,000 of them who attended the rally simply because they were afraid to lose their jobs.

Biafra Is More Than A Place, Biafra Is An Idea.

When Jewish children turn 13 years old, for boys and 12 years old, for girls, they celebrate their bar or bat mitzvah, respectively. According to Jewish tradition, this is when Jewish children become responsible for their actions.

"believe nothing… unless it agrees with your own... common sense." - Buddha

The criminal justice system in Europe, the US, and other developed countries uses a jury system to determine the guilt or innocence of an individual.  These 12 people who make up the jury are just ordinary citizens. They are the test of reasonableness. 

Malam Abba Kyari: If We Can’t Speak Bad Of The Dead, We Shouldn’t Speak Good Of The Dead

Malam Abba Kyari, the Chief of staff to President Buhari, is dead and buried. He was a victim of covid-19. To many Nigerians Malam Abba was a bad man, and to many of his friends, mostly journalists, he was a good man. Whether he was bad or good only God judges.

Ihedioha v Uzodinma (2020) "Not Only Must Justice Be Done; It Must Also Be Seen To Be Done."

In Ihedioha v Uzodinma (2020) , the Supreme Court of Nigeria ruled that it cannot overturn its own decision. According to the Court, its decision is final whether there were errors. It is not because Ihedioha’s application has no merit, but that if they overturn their decision, it “would open the floodgate of similar applications”. This means that even if there’s new evidence that a man sentenced to death is now innocent, the Supreme Court of Nigeria will not overturn its decision.

Whenever There Is A Prolonged Conflict In Africa, Some People Are Benefiting From It - Col. Barlow

Boko haram is waxing stronger. The insurgents are killing northern Nigerians daily. They are rampaging and sacking northern Nigeria’s villages.  Mr. Shekau (leader of Boko haram) has threatened to attack President Buhari if he visits Maiduguri again. The Nigerian military, including other security services, is helpless and hapless in fighting Boko haram.  Virtually every Nigerian has advised Mr Buhari to change his military chiefs, at least, to introduce fresh ideas to the fight against boko haram.

T. A. Orji & Sons 500 Billion Naira Embezzlement

Former Abia state governor, Chief T. A. Orji (TA), and his sons are alleged to have stolen more than 500 billion naira from the state’s coffers. The alleged fraud happened throughout the 8 years TA governed Abia state. Honestly, N500 billion is quite a lot of money for TA and sons to steal within 8 years in office.

Boko Haram & Fulani (Terrorists) Herdsmen – War Without End

Prior to 2015, Buhari was familiar with Boko haram and Boko Haram was familiar with Buhari. Buhari even stated that “any attack on Boko haram is an attack on northern Nigeria”. When President Jonathan declared Boko haram a terrorist organization, Buhari kicked against it. Even boko haram nominated Buhari to represent them in a proposed peace talk with the federal government of Nigeria. Hence, when Buhari became the president of Nigeria everyone expected Boko haram’s attacks to subside, after all, the man (Buhari) they once nominated as a representative is now the president of Nigeria.

Imo State Supreme Court Judgement: Father Mbaka Was In The Loop

Supreme court removed Ihedioha as the governor of Imo state and installed Hope Uzodinma who came fourth at the election as duly elected, and hence the governor of Imo state.  Forget about Mbaka’s prophecy, it was part of a grand fraud ever witnessed in the history of Nigeria’s judiciary.

'Shakara' Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran

In his music Shakara, Fela Kuti described a Shakara man as someone who will threaten you with fire and brimstone to the point that you may even believe that you are dead already.  But in the end, the Shakara man will do nothing because he has no strength to fight. Fela said; there is a Shakara man, and there’s a Shakara woman. And perhaps, there are Shakara countries.

Donald Trump: Starting The New Year With A Bang –Third World War Is Not Here Yet

Iran Women Before The 1979 Islamic Revolution Amazon uses drones to deliver parcels, and America uses drones to deliver missiles. And so, on 03/Jan/2020 (leap year) America’s drone delivered a missile to Major General Qasem Soleimani of the Iranian Army. The army General died alongside the people in his convoy.

“History Will Vindicate The Just” – Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe (Owelle of Onitsha)

A gentleman by the name of Goodluck Jonathan, by providence, became the president of Nigeria on 6/May/2010. The feudal North headed by the Fulani caliphate couldn’t stomach the situation, its beautiful bride - the Yoruba and their slaves in the middle-belt were equally unhappy.